Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Adults vs. Kids

Sometimes, it's hard to tell the difference.

I have been 'warned' about having a bad attitude many times by the head of my department--sometimes it's true, sometimes it's a misunderstanding and sometimes, it's actually the other person.

I'm a grown up--and sometimes I have an attitude. However, as 'sensitive' as I am--other people can be freaking NUTS! I've seen a grown woman cry when someone offered constructive criticism on her work--CRY! WTF?!

I am working with another woman, in her 50's, who uses the silent treatment when she's upset with someone. She runs on stress 24/7 and drives people away. Her attitude compared to her work output is in NO way acceptable. Frankly, I'd fire her.

Sure, I get abrupt at times, but I get my work done and done well. I am often-times congratulated on my work, I've won awards for what I do--and have been told I am inspirational to other people in my field. I don't engage in playground games. If I have a problem with you, I tell you. I don't hide behind silly strategies that only work to make other people feel like shit.

And btw--bitchmonster--it's a cup of coffee! Take a breath and realize that a 5 minute stop for coffee won't destroy the rest of the world, get over it.

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