Saturday, January 21, 2012


It's official, I have no filter when I drink and become incredibly amorous. Granted, I remember everything about the evening, but it's like I just want to cuddle as well.

Now, it's not as though just anyone would do-but I find it interesting the people I find attractive recently. There is nothing wrong with them, but my tastes have definitely changed and I have a new appreciation for all kinds of men.

On another note, I heard back from my grandfather. His response to my plea for help was, why have you abandoned your family? I wasn't aware I was solely responsible for all the relationships within my family--I'm fairly certain there is always give and take. This, coming from the man I have seen approximately 5 times in my life and whose idea of 'staying in touch' is to send me a card every other year or so. Regardless of my age now, he was the adult but now I get the blame. Very typical in my family. I refuse to feel shamed, I know we all bear responsibility for the lapse in communication. I think he thinks I'm just some loser because I don't compare to his wife's children who are annoying in their averageness. I'm an artist--which sounds like a load of crap--but I am and it's not going to please everyone, but I only need to please myself.

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