Thursday, January 26, 2012

Infantilize me...

I'm 35 ladies and gentlemen. I'm a grown woman with her own opinions and thoughts. I have taken care of myself since I was 16 and continue to do so regardless of the obstacles in my path. I've had relationships, been loved, gone to college, paid rent and bills, bought clothes specifically for work and other grown up type stuff.

Why then, WHY, am I forever treated as some type of child, especially in the work place! Yes--I'm short, that doesn't affect my brain or age. Sure, I haven't had huge world type adventures yet, I haven't pushed a baby out, I haven't been married--but this in no way makes me less of an adult.

People are so intent on thinking they need to hold my hand through everything and it's absolutely frustrating. Decisions get made for me, I see the patronizing look in peoples eyes. My ideas are shot down even though I'm the one in charge--and it's always the men who come in to rescue me from myself.

If I need help, I seek it. I'm not the type of person who is too proud to admit they don't know something. But when I do know, it makes no difference. Co-workers, peers, even my Professors, will do the work for me because it is just easier for them.

I have to back that up with, I have a tendency to think a little different than other people. I don't have a learning disability or anything--but some things seem like they're being taught backwards. Then again, I'm supposedly predominately right handed, but cannot tie knots except the left handed way with my right hand--this seems to carry over in some other areas.

That brings me to another rant--when did people start giving up? I know my teachers have--they've even said, I have tenure now, hahahaha

Then GET OUT of teaching if you're going to become some immovable force of boredom. Teach because you like it--because you get satisfaction out of enhancing minds--not because you can't get fired for being a lazy bastard.

The people I'm supposed to impress are the same ones whose opinions I don't respect. They have a very important job, but they fill their lives with so much other busy crap that they cannot focus on their JOB, their responsibility that countless people rely on them for. They are feckless wastes of my time and I really hope they leave because they've effectively locked down good job opportunities for others with their lazy selfish actions.

Ok, this was just a craptastic rant, but I guess I had to get it out. I could go on, but what's the point.

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