Friday, January 20, 2012

Week in Review

What a truly odd and amazing week it's been.

I got to work a little--so there is a paycheck the future there. I made a new friend that I am hanging out with tonight, yay! I begged my family for money, awkward. I proposed a change to my thesis and have so far received a nice amount of support. I told a very religious zealot what I thought of them and then unfriended them on Facebook.

All of it has felt intense, even the silly unfriending. I mean really--how is it cool to go on FB day after day and beg all your FB friends for money and food and then squander the money you do have on stupid trips to say, Disneyland! Really? Learn how to spend your money well. I am totally bad with money, but when I do have some I spend it on things like food and bills--not a trip to Disneyland. Also, don't freaking post how every other religion in the world is a joke and your Christianity makes your choice in religion superior to everyone else's, that's just insulting.

It's been raining hardcore for about 3 days now. Walking home was interesting as I had to take weird squiggly paths in order to avoid 1ft+ deep rivers of water. It's supposed to keep raining into next week and one day we're supposed to get snow. Seems a bit late for Winter to make it's way here, but really it always feels more like Spring anyways.

Now, to make some cookies to bring to this shin-dig so my poverty doesn't make me look like a leech.

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