Thursday, January 19, 2012


Always, it comes down to money. I have been working now for 20 years, have paid my way that entire time. Now I find myself between paychecks and employment and I actually asked my family for money. This is something I've never done and which has left me feeling quite awkward--and I only clicked the 'send' button moments ago.

Frankly, I feel more comfortable asking friends for money--though some argue the two should never mix--I find I've always had an easy relationship with my friends when it comes to financials and all the things we do for one another which makes financial help the same as any other type of favor.

But asking my family, I feel shamed--embarrassed. I know none of them condone my choice of career or my educational pursuits and that is their right to feel that way. No one, with the exception of friends, has ever supported me in my goals and it makes it difficult to not second guess myself when things don't go the way I've planned.

I know my situation will not always be as dire as it is now--there is always an ebb and flow in life--but it's difficult to remind yourself of these truths, to keep your head held high and know that your current financial situation isn't always a reflection of who you are as a person.

Besides, so many others have so much more to worry over--this is just a drop in the bucket of hard times.

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