Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Shhh...I'm hunting for a job!

The never ending job search. I've put out at least 20 apps into the universe. I got a part time gig doing what I've gone to school for, but 2 nights work isn't going to pay the rent, though I wish it could.

Today I go forth and apply at the local sweatshop, but with the possibility of 40 hours a week, I'll be making twice what I did as a Grad Asst. and I can't even imagine having enough money to pay my bills AND maybe have some fun now and again AND put some in savings, shocking!

I've also made the choice to stay around and get my teaching credential while I work on my thesis--which I've yet to have a meeting about. I just can't really concentrate until I get a job and know that I'm not going to be homeless.

The show from hell is almost over and done with, just furniture to return. I don't know why I have to be there to move it, but whatever. After it's all over, I will peacefully say a big eff you to the troublesome bits and move on, yay!

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